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Glass Steps Into the Temporary Bonding Spotlight

Whoever first coined the cliché “Don’t sweat the small stuff” didn’t work in nanotechnology. It’s a phrase that helps us put things into perspective. But if you’re in the compound semiconductor industry and measure things in micrometers, the small stuff is the only stuff worth sweating. There are two general obstacles that IC manufacturers struggle…

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3-D Stacking and the Future of Integrated Circuits

In the early 1970s, Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore coined the famous Moore's Law, predicting that the number of transistors in integrated circuits (and by extension, processing power) would double each year from then on. Though more of an observational musing than a physical law, it has been remarkably accurate ever since. The principle of Moore's…

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Directed Self-Assembly: From the Top-Down to the Bottom-Up

In previous posts, we’ve made references to Moore’s law and how, with uncanny accuracy, it has predicted that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit (IC) would double approximately every two years. The semiconductor industry has tirelessly chased Moore's law ever since it was first coined in the 1970s, but as ICs have…

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