Not your average intern program: Brewer Science is creating the next generation of technology leaders

College students aiming toward advanced technology careers come from all over the globe in hopes of landing internships with Brewer Science.

Why? Because BSI’s Global Intern Program is top-notch in terms of offering comprehensive, hands-on, professionally led learning opportunities.

The program is fed by aggressive recruitment at some of the best-known technology and engineering schools across the nation. Typically, 15 to 20 year-round co-op students are selected each year, with another 40 to 45 interns added each summer. BSI seeks motivated, forward-thinking college students (freshmen on up to doctoral candidates) in some 12 majors ranging from engineering and physics to web development and marketing.

For the selected candidates, the Global Intern Program goes far beyond the traditional summer job, explains Alan Gerson, Executive Director of Human Resources. It’s dedicated, he says, to “building a pipeline of talented future Brewer Science employees and to meeting the ongoing challenge of leading the world in innovative technology.”

The program’s claim to fame is its extraordinary level of hands-on experience in technological innovation, with interns regularly advised by mentors and encouraged to work alongside some of the world’s best researchers in their fields. The students engage with BSI networks and teams across geographic, functional, cultural, and organizational boundaries, garnering invaluable contacts and earning knowledge that can give them significant advantages in the working world. The program is so successful, in fact, that over the past several years the company has been able to hire 78% of its eligible interns and co-op students for full-time positions — a nearly unprecedented ratio for a firm of its size and scope.

The resulting business relationship is mutually beneficial. The new grads step up to rewarding jobs in an expanding firm known globally for its technological innovation, and the company gains the creative energy and knowledge of new employees who are able to hit the ground running.

“We have heard from many students that our internship represented a turning point in their education where they decided to pursue a STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] career,” notes company founder Dr. Terry Brewer. “Brewer Science is not only cultivating next-generation technology, we are helping cultivate the next generation of technology leaders.”

To learn more about our company culture and internship program, check out our careers page.

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