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October 15, 2017 Blogs
Where is the spin-coating industry headed?

We sat down with our engineers to get their insights on where the spin-coating industry is headed. We were met with an overwhelming response identifying the need for data streaming…

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October 15, 2017 Blogs
Futuristic Approach with Directed Self-Assembly

Now that Brewer Science is leading the charge in improving directed self-assembly (DSA) technology, products such as semiconductors, computer hard drives, and drug therapies can benefit from new manufacturing methods…

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October 15, 2017 Blogs
3-D Stacking and the Future of Integrated Circuits

In the early 1970s, Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore coined the famous Moore's Law, predicting that the number of transistors in integrated circuits (and by extension, processing power) would double…

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October 15, 2017 Blogs
Brewer Science continues push toward zero-landfill status

Here at Brewer Science, we are striving to reach zero-landfill status. Our efforts in environmental responsibility include our mini-bin recycling program and our installation of efficient water and electrical fixtures.…

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October 15, 2017 Blogs
Temporary Bonding and the Importance of Thermal Stability

Noted author and futurist Ray Kurzweil wrote back in 2001, "We won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress.…

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October 15, 2017 Blogs
Asking the Right Questions: The Future of Carbon Nanotubes

Famous anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss said that the scientist is not one who gives the right answers, but one who asks the right questions. If this is the case (and we…

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October 15, 2017 Blogs
3 ways 3D printing is changing the world

3D printing is over 30 years old. Yes, you read that correctly. The first 3D printer was invented (and patented) during the same era that velour tracksuits were all the…

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