


Terry Brewer 博士所發現的抗反射塗層,為全球微電子產業帶來突破性的改變,並開創了現今高速輕量級的電子裝置。在 Brewer 博士的帶領下,布魯爾科技已成長為全球領先科技公司,致力於開發與製造高級材料與設備,以製作出可供電子領域使用的可靠尖端微電子裝置(例如桌上型電腦、智慧型手機、數位相機、電視與 LED 照明)。


我們致力於提供布魯爾科技員工一個可激發創新、多樣性與專業開發的環境。每個團隊成員專注於協助客戶,透過我們的成果導向問題解決方法來為他們達成科技目標。Our customers’ long-term success is important to us, and we pride ourselves on exceeding their expectations with our personalized care and commitment.


對布魯爾科技來說,員工是凌駕一切的最重要資產。Our core values— Trust & Integrity, Freedom with Accountability, Win-Win & Mutual Respect, Driven to Deliver, Curiosity & Creativity, and Courage —help create a unique environment that fosters creativity and innovation. 我們相信在組織中,賦予自由,且目標明確,並為成長奉獻,將會帶來最棒的創新。我們相信不論公司內外部,均可透過開放溝通來建立信任的基礎。


「老鷹所代表的不是只有表面的意涵,而是超越其形體、更寬廣而無形的精神。」—Terry Brewer 博士,總裁/執行長




引進 DBARC 產品

占地 10,000 平方英呎建築開工儀式

建立第一條商業化 I-line ARC® 材料生產線

引進 Cee® 設備

第一項美國專利獲准:「Adhesion Promoters」

DARC® 材料專利獲准

占地 21,000 平方英呎的工廠擴建




占地 47,000 平方英呎的美國工廠擴建

布魯爾科技慶祝營運 20 週年


美國占地 55,000 平方英呎的研發機構開工


Talon 機器製程工具被票選為固態科技中晶圓製程類的最佳擁有成本產品


布魯爾科技榮獲 ISO9001:2000 認證


美國密蘇里州斯普林菲爾德的 Jordan Valley Innovation Center 開工儀式

美國密蘇里州斯普林菲爾德重新裝修完成的 Jordan Valley Innovation Center 正式啟用


布魯爾科技有限公司移址至達利修道院工廠 - 慶祝 20 週年

布魯爾科技將在達利修道院工廠東側的通道種植 20 顆樹,創造出一條林蔭大道,藉以紀念 20 週年。

Jordan Valley Innovation Center 慶祝 5 周年


在 JVIC 舉辦剪綵儀式

布魯爾科技的 JVIC 擴建工程為布魯爾科技的研究和高級製造生產增加了 4,600 平方英呎的空間,工廠兩層樓的總面積達到 12,450 平方英呎。

布魯爾科技在 eFactory 贊助「The Perch」計畫

eFactory(這是一項密蘇里州立大學的計畫)是以技術為主的企業中心。eFactory 的客戶可透過彈性租約租用辦公室,並且享有商業服務與設備、技術支援、輔導與諮詢等服務。


Ashwin Rao, Ph.D.

Chief Market Strategy Officer

Prior to joining Brewer, Ashwin was responsible for driving Henkel’s GTM strategy development in the North American adhesives market. With 20 years of experience in strategy, innovation, and marketing at leading global specialty chemicals suppliers, Ashwin is well suited to fulfill the responsibilities of Chief Market Strategy Officer ('CMSO'). His main goal is to leverage leadership and technical expertise of the company and steer the organization toward continued growth in its core and adjacent markets. Ashwin received his Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the University of Akron and an MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business.

Barbara Picarelli


Barb 在 2002 年加入布魯爾科技,具備財務、製造、保險業的經驗。She is a Certified Public Accountant from the Missouri State Board of Accountancy and holds a BA in Accounting from Maryville University, as well as a Chancellors Certificate of International Trade from the University of Missouri St. Louis and The World Trade Center. Barb 起初在布魯爾科技擔任財務部門的全球主計長,並在 2009 年接下首席財務長的職位。她表示布魯爾科技的人員與文化「與我過往所經歷的任何公司環境都截然不同。」

Dan Brewer


Dan 在拿到昆蟲學、生物學與生物化學的研究學位後,在 1996 年加入布魯爾科技。He currently serves as our co-CEO. The most exceptional part of Brewer Science, according to Dan, is “a culture of creativity that supports our mission to lead the industry through being a company of the people, by the technology, for the customer, to achieve fulfillment.”

Paul Harris

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer

Paul 在 1991 年於英國 Heriot-Watt 大學取得應用物理及半導體電子學的榮譽學士學位。Paul 在畢業後任職於大型企業集團,並輾轉於各個國家地點工作過。Paul 自 1998 年起即踏入半導體產業,並於 2004 年加入 Brewer Science。Paul serves as our Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, which includes global customer service. 他以英國為根據地,率領一個天賦異稟且努力不懈的跨國團隊,從美國密蘇里州羅拉的總部一路征戰到亞洲與歐洲的區域中心。Paul believes "our customers are at the heart of everything we do and that our unique culture of openness and innovation allows everyone within Brewer Science to bring industry-defining products and enabling solutions to all our customers through our technology leadership."

Rama Puligadda


Rama Puligadda 擁有位於印度德里的印度理工學院 (IIT) 化學碩士學位(1990 年)、IIT 的聚合物科學與技術碩士學位(1992 年)和辛辛那提大學化學工程碩士學位(1995 年)。Rama 於 1995 年以研究化學家身分開始了她在布魯爾科技的職業生涯。She has since led and managed several programs at Brewer Science including product development projects and collaborative work with partnering companies, universities, and research institutions. She now serves as the Chief Technical Officer, providing leadership for the design, development and engineering of innovative solutions for the semiconductor industry. 「產業的快速發展需要我們同時與客戶、合作夥伴、集團和聯合供應商以非順序的方式合作,一起提供多種解決方案。這只會變得更快,更具挑戰性。」Rama 說:「我很榮幸成為這個產業和社群的一份子,並有機會回饋。與這麼多布魯爾科技公司內外優秀的人合作實在獲益良多。」

Dr. Srikanth (Sri) Kommu


Srikanth (Sri) Kommu 博士是一位深具遠見的領導者,他充滿熱情,持續致力於解決困難問題、為顧客增加顯著價值,並且致力於為世界帶來正面的改變。Dr. Kommu has over 20 years of stellar leadership experience in the semiconductor industry, and he currently serves as our co-CEO. He started as a research scientist in 1996 and was most recently the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice President (SVP) at MEMC/SunEdison Semiconductor, before joining Brewer Science in 2017. 身為科技長和資深副總,Sri 以策略定義並順暢地執行高度分化的產品、產能和成本藍圖,遠遠超過顧客的期待。He is serving as an Advisory Board member at Washington University since 2012 and worked at Intel and SUMCO earlier in his career. Sri 在哈佛商學院完成他的高階經理人總體管理學程 (2009)、獲得華盛頓大學化學工程的博士 (2001) 和碩士 (1996) 學位,並且在印度科技學院取得化學工程學士 (1994) 學位。Sri 表示:「Brewer Science 擁有最傑出的人才和創新文化,為公司提供源源不絕的競爭優勢,在供應顧客高價值產品方面,Brewer Science 擁有前所未有的完善定位,讓半導體產業能持續成長。」

Dr. Dan Sullivan

Chief Product Development Officer

Dan 取得密西根州立大學化學博士學位後,2004 年任職於布魯爾科技。He currently serves as the Chief Product Development Officer, leading a team of talented researchers focused on inventing new technologies that solve semiconductor industry-related challenges. 他在化學、先進微影與製程整合的專業,為布魯爾科技帶來更多的產品與製程組合,而這些都促進了半導體業界的進步。

Jessica Parsons

Executive Director, Finance

Jessica joined Brewer Science in 1998 and currently serves as the Executive Director of Finance, leading a global team of talented individuals who are dedicated to providing services and data that maintain high standards of quality. She began her accounting career prior to graduating from Drury University with a BS in Accounting/Business Administration in 2002. With over 30 years of experience, she has witnessed many changes within the industry. Jessica is passionate about problem solving, team building, process improvement, having positive influence, and transforming the finance workforce of the future.

Julie Ply

Executive Director, Sales Operations

Julie is a graduate of the University of Missouri – Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) with a BS in Metallurgical Engineering. In 2014, she started her career in the semiconductor industry as a Senior Quality Engineer with Brewer Science. Prior to that, she spent over 25 years in automotive-related manufacturing, where she managed a variety of manufacturing departments and labs with an emphasis on process engineering and continuous improvement. During Julie’s years in automotive-related manufacturing, she co-authored several papers for SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) and TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society). Julie is passionate about team building, empowerment, and identifying solutions to seemingly impossible problems.

Matthew Beard

Executive Director, Strategic Planning, Management Systems, and Sustainability

Before joining Brewer Science in 2005, Matthew earned his B.S. in Ceramic Engineering in 1997 from the University of Missouri – Rolla, followed by a period in the automotive industry, focusing on quality systems and continuous improvement. Throughout his career at Brewer Science, Matthew has worked as a quality engineer, a quality manager, and most recently as Director of Integrated Management Systems focusing on quality systems, environmental sustainability, and safety programs. He now leads our Strategic Planning, Quality, Safety, and Environmental teams as our Executive Director of Strategic Planning, Management Systems, and Sustainability. With a passion for the environment, Matthew continues to work with outside organizations to drive sustainability education and awareness while maintaining excellence through agile planning and continuous improvement methodologies across the company.

Mike Mathews

Executive Director, Global Manufacturing & Logistics

Mike Mathews received a BS in Industrial Safety from Central Missouri State University (now the University of Central Missouri). Mike started his manufacturing journey working nine years in the plastics industry where he served as a shift foreman, process engineer, logistics manager, and EH&S manager for three facilities in three states. In 1997, Mike joined Brewer Science as the safety coordinator, growing to manage several groups over the years including facilities, logistics, procurement, EH&S, and manufacturing, and led many construction projects including the high-volume manufacturing facility located in Vichy, MO. His accomplishments include deploying LEAN initiatives across the operation groups, empowering teams and the people within those teams to achieve excellence in alignment with Brewer Science’s corporate goals and objectives, and exceeding customers’ expectations.

Rebecca Rich

Executive Director, Legal

Becky obtained her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Missouri – Rolla. After graduation, she started as an intern and then a research associate in Brewer Science’s New Business Group. After a couple of years, she took an educational leap, enrolling in the University of Missouri School of Law with a plan to focus on patent law. She rejoined Brewer Science in 2010, this time handling the company’s intellectual property. Since then, her responsibilities have grown to all areas of corporate law, including leading a small team and handling topics she never imagined in law school, such as closing an ESOP transaction during a global pandemic. Becky embraces the challenges presented by the growth and uncertainty in our industry, as well as developing the unique culture and vision of Brewer Science.

Ryan Moss

Executive Director, Smart Devices

Ryan Moss serves as the Executive Director of the Smart Devices business division, where he leads the operations and commercialization of market transforming intelligent sensor products. Ryan joined Brewer Science in 2019, where he’s held multiple leadership positions, including Director of Operations, as well as Director of New Business Development. His previous experience includes more than a decade with a world leading logistics company, where Ryan served as General Manager, serving the supply chain operations of multiple Fortune 500 companies.

Dr. Terry Brewer

Founder and Executive Chairman

Dr. Terry Brewer is the founder and Executive Chairman of Brewer Science. 布魯爾博士於 1969 年從北德州大學取得物理化學博士學位,並於 1972 年在德州大學完成博士後研究。他認為布魯爾科技是全球最具有獨創性及創意的公司之一,並且擁有最以人為本的全球業務模式。他說道:「創新是我們的籌碼;成果是令人驚豔的產品,而非想法。」Brewer 博士很重視專注於員工及創意氛圍的公司文化。
